Love Out of the Blues – This eBook has been made available for FREE download and distribution by the author. However, reproduction of text in part or whole without official consent and approval by the author is NOT permitted and is UNLAWFUL. If you desire to become a partner to the production of our eBooks contact the author.
Daniel Sackey –
So Amazing Love… Very refreshing to know that God is Love, and that, His love for me is Holy, Unconditional, Relentless and Graciously Constant… Hallelujah!
God Bless You More Than You Can Always Carry, Apostle Ray.
You are a great Blessing to our Generation.
Shalom! ??✨
Jennifer Afriyie –
This ebook gives you much understanding of God’s love. It also blesses you with scripture references to know how much God loves and care for you that nothing can and will ever change that. I love the part that states “Let nothing rob you of the sense
of God’s love for you!”. This book emphasis on the fact that nothing can take the love of God from you. Therefore, when life happens God’s love is right there to help you through it. Thank you Apostle Dr Ray Emmanuel PhD for the insightful and refreshing ebook. You’re a blessing to Christian Faith.